It’s been a long time since I’ve updated this blog. Mostly it was  due to lack of a working computer (I’m buying a new computer this week, but this update is coming to you via phone), but my life has also been delightfully exciting since my last update. I’ve been staying busy, spending time with quality individuals, and just generally spreading my awesomeness around the community.

Who doesn’t love cookies?!


I’m starting Ahimsa up again with delicious winter cookies! These are the Sell Your Soul Pumpkin Cookies  from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar. I made them for a friend’s birthday picnic today. They aren’t the sweetest treats in the world, but with all the cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves, they are perfect for this cold mountain weather.

I’ve been going crazy over all the pumpkin flavored food and drink that appears this time of year, particularly beer. What’s your favorite seasonal pumpkin goody?